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发布日期:2024-09-16 06:48    点击次数:116


存眷「岛鸣国外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


若是你醉心威士忌和充满野性魔力的生涯容貌,Sanda Island将是一个极具诱惑力的投资契机。

If you have a passion for whisky and a love for untamed natural beauty, Sanda Island presents a highly attractive investment opportunity.

Sanda Island位于苏格兰西海岸的金泰尔半岛南端,北爱尔兰的巴利堡以东约20英里处。你不错从爱丁堡、格拉斯哥或坎贝尔镇的国外机场起程,乘船或直升机精真金不怕火抵达。岛屿周边区域昂然,毗邻坎贝尔镇这一苏格兰威士忌坐褥和旅游中心,采集申明显耀的云顶威士忌酒厂、麦克里哈尼什高尔夫球场等盛名景点,具备极好的营业和旅游成立后劲。

Sanda Island is located off the southern tip of the Kintyre Peninsula on Scotland’s west coast, approximately 20 miles east of Ballycastle, Northern Ireland. It is easily accessible by boat or helicopter from international airports in Edinburgh, Glasgow, or Campbeltown. The island is situated near bustling fishing harbors and Scotland’s renowned whisky tourism hub. With proximity to Campbeltown, the famous Springbank Distillery, and Machrihanish Golf Club, Sanda Island offers substantial commercial and tourism development potential.


The island spans approximately 453 acres with a varied landscape. The highest point reaches 23 meters above sea level, and the terrain includes fertile pastureland, low-lying areas, secluded coves, rolling hills, and rugged cliffs. The western coastline features caves and natural arches, creating a striking natural setting. Rich in wildlife, especially bird species, Sanda Island is an ideal location for ecological preservation and nature tourism.

Sanda Island历史悠久,与苏格兰王室及麦克唐纳眷属有着雅致议论。摇滚乐队Cream的杰克·布鲁斯曾经是岛主之一。自1962年起,Sanda Island运行刊行土产货邮票,是少数领有我方邮票的苏格兰岛屿之一,其丰富的文化遗产增添了岛屿的私有魔力。

Sanda Island boasts a rich history, with ties to the Scottish royal family and the Clan MacDonald. Cream’s Jack Bruce was once an island owner. Since 1962, Sanda Island has issued its own local postage stamps, making it one of the few Scottish islands with this unique feature, adding to its cultural heritage.


The island currently offers seven residential properties, divided between the north and south ends. The northern section includes four homes that can accommodate up to 14 people, while three homes near the southern lighthouse can host an additional 12 guests. Most of these properties have been carefully modernized by the current owner, featuring double-glazed windows, underfloor heating, and contemporary shower rooms. Each cottage has been designed with a blend of local charm and international luxury, equipped with modern amenities such as upscale bathrooms and cozy fireplaces or stoves, ensuring a comfortable and high-quality living experience.

南端的灯塔不仅是历史地标,也动作住宿要领,为住客提供了私有的体验。Byron Darnton酒吧则是原岛主为迎接旅客而建,领有竣工的营业许可。新业主不错遴选将其重新开业,为到访的旅客提供私有的酒水行状,加多岛屿的营业后劲和诱惑力。

The lighthouse at the southern end serves as both a historical landmark and part of the accommodation, offering a unique living experience for guests. The Byron Darnton Bar, originally built by a previous owner to welcome visitors to the island, holds a full commercial license. The new owner has the option to reopen it, offering distinctive hospitality services to visitors, which would further enhance the island’s commercial appeal.


The island’s infrastructure is well-developed, including two stone-built slipways, a helicopter landing pad, and roads connecting the lighthouse to the cottages. Energy on the island is currently supplied by three generators, but there is potential to integrate renewable energy solutions in the future. All properties are equipped with gas, electricity, and freshwater, ensuring convenience for residents. Additionally, the island offers recreational facilities such as a private snooker room, a games room, and a garden for leisure activities.

Sanda Island同期具备丰富的农业资源,岛上领有55只黑脸羊的注册农场,享受农业补贴。岛屿提供的户外活动遴选繁密,包括不雅鲸、垂纶、徒步旅行以及前去北爱尔兰的游船一日游等,为畴前的业主提供了平常的臆测可能性。

Sanda Island also has significant agricultural resources, including a registered farm with 55 black faced sheep, which benefits from agricultural subsidies. The island offers numerous outdoor activities, including guided whale watching, fishing, hiking, and boat trips to Northern Ireland, providing future owners with extensive business possibilities.

Sanda Island因其优厚的地舆位置、悠久的历史和独特的当然景不雅,成为一项极具诱惑力的投资契机。该岛为遥远产权私东谈主岛屿,接收250万英镑以上的出价,出售领域还包括临近的绵羊岛(31.72英亩)和格卢尼莫尔岛(4.41英亩)。如有敬爱敬爱,迎接私信盘问(微信号:GD-Karen)。

Sanda Island, with its prime location, rich history, and exceptional natural beauty, presents an exceptional investment opportunity. This island is a freehold private island, with offers starting at £2.5 million. The sale also includes neighboring Sheep Island (31.72 acres) and Glunimore Island (4.41 acres). If you are interested, feel free to reach out for further details (WeChat: GD-Karen).


Thanks for your time. Until next time!



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Global Domain 「岛鸣国外」是私东谈主岛屿生涯容貌的观点者,致力于于提供环球领域内的确有用的私东谈主岛屿销售信息及配套行状。在后疫情和地缘政事冲破风险加大的新期间布景下,为高净值东谈主群对资金安全和东谈主身安全的双重需求建议更始性的处置有贪图。

